February 2016 – Wi$e Up

February Financial Fortitude Tip – Wi$e Up!

We can’t get to where we are going until we know where we want to go and have a plan in place to get there. Our Journey to Financial Well-Being will include tips and tools you can utilize to reduce your debt and increase your savings.

Tax season is here and you may be looking forward to a refund. We must decide what will we do with this extra money. The extra money can give us a starting point on that New Years Resolution you had to “Save More” and “Manage Your Budget Better”

This month we will feature “The Envelope System” by Dave Ramsey. The system helps consumers properly budget their income and allows you to easily see where your money is being spent. Please check out the link below for more information: http://www.daveramsey.com/blog/envelope-system-explained

Also don’t forget, as you spend – SAVE TOO!

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